Nature wins

The Nature Conservation Council of NSW (NCC) recently held its annual conference. This growing umbrella association is the key voice for nature in NSW, and now has over 120 member groups and about 60,000 supporters, including individuals like myself.

One of the things they do at the conference is announce and give out awards to groups and individuals for their work for the natural world.

See all the awards on the About page of the NCC website.

I was overwhelmed to receive the 2014 Dunphy Award for ‘the most outstanding environmental effort of an individual’. The Greens leader Christine Milne presented it, seen above with NCC Chair Don White.

Many of you will know the name ‘Dunphy’, as Milo and Myles Dunphy worked tirelessly to protect our natural environment in many ways, not least to secure our national parks.

I am honoured to have my name even distantly assocated with theirs.


The Nature Conservation Council has been in operation for over 50 years. Its current CEO is Kate Smolski, whose enthusiasm and optimism gives us all hope in the many prolonged battles in which NCC members are involved.


Other awards were given (some seen above), and I was especially pleased to see that the Lithgow Environment Group received the Member Group Award and that Frontline Action on Coal shared the Community Action Award.

Congratulations to both these inspiring and persevering groups, with whom I have personal connection and experience of their work.


7 thoughts on “Nature wins”

  1. Am so excited about your win Sharyn, you certainly deserve it! We can’t wait for your next book.

    All our love and hugs
    Penny, Hadyn and Correa

  2. I am so excited for you Sharyn. You are a remarkable person and very deserving of this award and recognition. Well done – we’re so very pleased for you!

  3. Precious comments from people so precious to me, and without whose support I would not have survived the writing of ‘Rich Land, Wasteland’. Thank you, Sue & Mike and Ross & Lillian!

  4. Dear friend Sharyn,
    That is such a lovely, deserving, feel-good News, I will be printing it out for keeps. You deserve every bit of acclamation and appreciation: those of us who have watched you journey through these last years know just what was the toll and the toil. I am so proud to be part of your life.

    Much love, Sue xox And Mike of course.

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