I’ll be hitting the road again soon, still talking… writing Rich Land, Wasteland has made this a full time follow-on occupation!
If the rains don’t intervene again, first I’ll be in beautiful—and wet—Dorrigo, so high up as to often be a cloudland. Then down to trendy and only slightly less wet Bellingen, at the feet of these spectacular mountains.
No, I’m not on holiday; I’m there as part of the Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival.
No, they don’t have a coal or gas rush there—but they do have a gold and antimony rush (and whatever else they find in the process) and there’s plenty of reasons to be concerned about this. Unless you fancy a little arsenic in your waterways?
My Festival events are:
- Thursday 21st March, 7 pm
Dorrigo Community Hall,
Hickory Street.
Chaired by Jacqueline Williams, with myself and Paul Cleary (Minefield) speaking on Mining of course—but with the theme of ‘Just keep digging? – our resources rush, local and beyond.’ - Saturday 23rd March, 2.30-3.45 pm
Bellingen Memorial Hall
Discussion chaired by George Negus on ‘Dangerous Activities: Mining and Nuclear Energy,’ with myself, Paul Cleary and Richard Broinowski.
Then I’m off to Melbourne again, just overnight, to Sandringham on Port Phillip Bay, to speak at a public event organised by the Bayside Climate Change Action Group.
- Tuesday, 26th March, 7.30 pm
Sandringham Uniting Church Hall,
21 Trentham Street
Next day I’m in Tasmania—details of that to follow.
Thanks Tanzim. No doubt about the insanity and injustice of what is proposed in your country. Have you read the book though?
I reckon you remember me.
I am planning to translate your book, “Rich Land, Waste Land” into Bangla. I am desperate to disseminate Australian experience as the government is now making frantic efforts to establish coal-fired power plants in Bangladesh. One of the proposed plants is very likely to destroy the world’s largest mangrove forest, Sundarban (For reports on the project: http://www.thefinancialexpress-bd.com/index.php?ref=MjBfMDRfMjFfMTNfMV8yXzE2NzAyOA==; http://newagebd.com/detail.php?date=2013-05-15&nid=49215#.UZyiLsqoquI)
I am eager to learn from your experience and campaigns.
That`s a lot travelling mate ……Take care & God Bless .
I’m sure you will continue to charm and educate your audiences wherever you go. Enjoy!