Librarians are some of my favourite people, being book lovers like me. However, the grey-haired spinster in a drab cardigan no longer fits the bill. Nor are libraries just places of shush and half-asleep old men.
Take young, cheery and goatee-d Adam Holland and his Wyong Shire Library in the enormous Westfield Tuggerah Shoppingtown on the NSW Central Coast.
Adam’s author talks and events welcome the community in, seat them in comfy armchairs, feed them tea and chocolate bickies and grapes, while writers like me talk about my books and read from them. For free!
My visit there for my first book was lovely, so I was happy to return last week for Mountain Tails. And, as I had grown up on the Central Coast, and my sister Robyn has retired there, it almost feels like coming home.
It was a delight to see faces in the audience familiar to me from my last talk there.
I always enjoy the interaction during question time and the chats afterwards when I sign books. Rick Finucane from Borders bookshop in Westfields not only sold my books there but took the photos for me on my camera. Thank you, Rick!
An extra treat was that Adam presented me with a bunch of yellow roses and some chocolates.
Back home in my cabin that night, having just beaten nightfall and the rain, I lit the fire, arranged the roses, poured myself a glass of red wine, and indulged in a chocolate or two. You could say I felt appreciated.
Next day was grey and cold and windy, but the roses bloomed golden on my windowsill, extending the pleasure of my author talk well beyond its actual time. Thank you Adam and Tuggerah!
We have looked into it, but nothing decided yet. From my experience the technology is more prevalent in the US, so there is more demand for it and libraries have tried to respond to the need. Consensus seems to be that here there just isn’t a lot of demand yet – but we could be wrong! I hope it sells well for you, and if we branch into it you could be our first e-book.
Thanks Adam.
Do libraries handle e-books yet? About to sign a contract for one.
It was a pleasure to have you visit. Hope all the upcoming talks go well, and we look forward to your next visit.
Hi Kerry Anne,
Thanks for visiting. Not sure how you found the time with your five at foot, so to speak! Be sure to come up and introduce yourself at Port on the 17th. Usually have time after for a chat.
Hello There,
I too am a mountain woman,with 5 foster children.!!!!!!!!A storyteller to boot,and am so looking forward to hearing you speak at Port Macquarie Library in june.
Cheers Kerry Anne
Thanks DWG. And those roses continue to give me pleasure one week later, much more unfurled but still cheerily yellow.
Sounds like you had a wonderful experience sharing and that you were very well received. I am glad you were able to “carry over” the experience
and extend the pleasure for a while. Doesn’t that just feel so good!!!! I am happy that your new book is doing so well. DWG