On stumps of felled or fallen trees and logs from such, this last week of rain has brought forth a cornucopia of fungi blooms of the strangest shapes. These ones look more like tiny shells and amber bluebottles.
Others have the more expected ‘ear’ shape, when not being bubbles, so I can only assume that they are Auricularia Sp. 1; definitely one of the ‘jelly’ fungi.
Yet others are so discoloured and distorted that they look like something regurgitated.
On a similar log in my mini rainforest these more ‘ordinary’ white fungi are what caught my distant eye in the first place.
They are tough and solid, with tiny pores underneath, and also appear to have bubble babies. However, I wasn’t able to identify what they are called.
Not on wood but in the leaf litter was this cute little glistening orange cup, that I think is Amanita xanthocephala.
I find it astonishing that my village backyard just keeps producing surprise treats for the observant eye.