Travelling Huntsman

I was used to spiders seeking shelter from wet weather but in these very hot days–  and more days – and more days, I have had a Huntsman spider come inside.

For the first day he was high up in the kitchen, near the manhole, so I assumed that was the entry point. Next day he was on the opposite wall.

The following day I couldn’t see him.

But then I spotted him — or an identical mate? — two wide rooms away, with no manhole entry. 

Had he just ambled so far across the ceilings ?

Next day he was on the opposite side of the same room, just as in the kitchen.

Seems as if he gets bored with the view — or the food opportunities.

Next day, after two days, gone again, just as in the kitchen.

But I did find him in the adjoining bedroom, and this time, low enough for me to catch him inside a large glass, careful not to bend those long legs, slip a card underneath, and carry him to a sheltered new home — outside.

He can amble across the underfloor instead.

It reminded me of Huntsmen I have met at the Mountain, often more closely, such as in this post, ‘Spider fruit’.