I know well the glory of flannel flowers (Actinotus helianthi) in bloom, especially en masse, as they are here, forming a guard of honour, contrasting gaily with the greys and duller greens of the ti-tree bush, dead and alive.
But on this walk, I saw plenty that was new to me.

Like this pretty lilac-flowered small bush, likely Kunzea capitata. I only saw two examples on the whole walk. And spot the ubiquitous pink boronia in the background on the upper right?

A sole orchid declared its presence with one red flower out and several in waiting above: the Large-tongued Orchid, or Duck-billed Orchid, Crystostylis subulata. I will have to return to see the cluster above when open. My first sighting of this orchid!

Not pretty, but certainly notable and new to me, was this young tree, bearing the toughtest, most leathery leaves I have ever felt. Their edges were very stiffly serrated.
I am told it is a common small rainforest tree, Veiny Wilkeia or Wilkiea huegeliana.
As always, I am agog at how much the NSW Native Plant Facebook group members know… and how much I have to learn!
I share your love of the flannel flower, Sharyn. perhaps part of my Swiss genes, and the eildewiess…