My redneck neighbours

The perimeter of my house yard fence is patrolled by small groups of Eastern rednecked wallabies. From my verandah I watch them nibble their way along the fence, stopping for a sunbake or a scratch, as this fellow is doing.

Older joeys like this one are still carried in the mother’s pouch, and still drinking from her, but when she leans down to graze, it has a munch as well. Free rides and free lunch!

3 thoughts on “My redneck neighbours”

  1. Great photos. I am always glad I drop by your blog. Have a safe day during these hot windy few days.

  2. Oh I am glad I stopped by this morning. These photos are just priceless. I can’t imagine being able to look out and see wallabies along the fence. The only marsupial in my part of the world is the opossum and he is not nearly so intriguing. I have loved the animals of Australia since my 3rd grade study of “Trip Around
    the World” and I enjoy so much seeing these. Thanks for sharing!!!

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