Sharing a small cove

On the mid north coast of New South Wales, there are many secret small coves like this one, usually in national parks and accessed by foot.

You may see another person or two there, but seldom more.

But other creatures actually live there! Like this perfectly camouflaged tiny crab, who kept disappearing and then popping back up at my feet, to scuttle further away.

The tide being low, the bands of evidence of other cove dwellers were in plain sight – the shell homes of upper level barnacles and then those of the galeolaria worms. Almost perfectly demarcated.

This was not a marine rock platform, so there were lower tide dwellers, plant or animal, but I found a few at the feet of the densely populated rocks.

The shore bound rocks are even more spectacular, sliced and split and stacked so very neatly. Nature is amazing!

It can also be amazingly peaceful… and pristine… and people-free…

3 thoughts on “Sharing a small cove”

  1. Yes, Helen and Elizabeth, we are lucky. I think Lime Bay in Tassie at dawn was the closest I have felt to expecting see that family appear out of the trees on to the sand.

  2. Yes, that’s what I thought – this is how it’s been perhaps for milleniums and I could almost imagine an Aboriginal family walking by to find some seafood. We are so lucky to have these immense deserted coastlines to be admired in solitude.

  3. Just how the world used to be many years ago! I hope they do not “develop” this beautiful place.

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