Time to speak up for Nature: it can’t

Many of you will have seen the Bimblebox documentary, partly about Paola Cassoni’s fight to save this Queensland nature refuge, but also a pretty shocking overview of the coal and gas rush in Australia, and its consequences, for global warming, for the Great Barrrier Reef — to name a few small impacts!


It’s now BB-Day; whether you saw the Bimblebox film or not, I ask everyone to spend a few minutes of your time and speak up for the creatures of Bimblebox, and the principle that Nature matters more than a short term coal mine to fatten Clive Palmer’s pockets!

You may like to look at some of my past posts here, here and here on Bimblebox to get a feel for this special place.

The BB team have now waded through the 4000 page Supplementary EIS to produce a simple submission that you can tailor to suit yourself if you like. I’ve done mine. 

Comments must be in by 6th May, so time is short. Let’s make this THE submission avalanche of 2013!

Clive Palmer is loud and gets a lot of press. His concern for Nature is such that he dismissed the discovery of the endangered Black-throated Finch at Bimblebox, saying something like it had wings and could fly elsewhere.

The creatures of Bimblebox cannot fight the likes of Clive Palmer, who also said he would ‘kick arse’ to get this project though. It’s up to us to speak out for them. 

We want 5000 submissions to show the Newman government that this China First mine must not proceed in its plans to destroy Bimblebox.

You can make your submission here.

Then please share on Facebook and anywhere else you can.

Send the following text by email to your contacts:

  • Say no to Clive Palmer’s massive new coal mine

  • Billionaire Clive Palmer is still pushing to get approval for his proposed China First coal mine (oherwise known as the Galilee Coal Project.)

  • If it is allowed to go ahead, this project will destroy the Bimblebox Nature Refuge, impact on our precious groundwater resources and help open up the whole Galilee Basin to more coal mines.

  • Over the life of the mine, the coal from the China First project will generate greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to nearly four years of Australian total annual emissions! It would need to be transported over farmland and shipped through the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

  • While the owners of the mine stand to make large profits, it will have negative economic impacts on other, more sustainable, industries.

Please share the link and the text with friends, colleagues, family and any organisations you are part of. Can we reach 5000 submissions against this mine? Not without your help. After you’ve signed the submission, please share it on Facebook, Twitter and email.

Thanks for your support,
The Bimblebox Team

P.S. you can also download, print, sign and send a slightly longer submission at our website. Why not print 10 or 20 and head to the local markets with a clipboard and pen?

5 thoughts on “Time to speak up for Nature: it can’t”

  1. Well Jess, I do see some independents (like Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott) and small party politicians (e.g. the Greens) as altruistic in their motivation and uncorrupted in their performance of duties. And this gives me hope. We just need to make sure that we have more such people in power.

  2. I believe that almost everyone entering, or involved with politics, at the moment, is only doing it out of ‘self interest’, this definitely includes Clive Palmer. I know their salaries probably won’t make them super wealthy, but the ‘kickbacks’ from favors for mates must outweigh the salaries and perks that seem to be never ending. It is shameful when the ‘powers that be’ put $$$$ ahead of our environment that is supposed to sustain us all including future generations.

  3. Amen, Pete. So far 3000 people are helping ‘stand in the way of power’ by signing a submission of objection to the fate of the creatures of BB. Heartening, yes?

  4. We must always say truth to power. And we must always defend those living assemblages that stand in the way of power and its close bedfellows – greed and evil.

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