The significance of ultra-abstract art often eludes me; I might appreciate it as design and colour, but it doesn’t speak to me. I don’t warm to it, relate to it, as I can to the merely abstracted, stylised, simplified, where the origin is vaguely discernible. In the latter the artist’s treatment of it stimulates my imagination more than straight realism would.
As pure visual beauty, for shape and colour and flow, I’d hang this one on my wall any day — if I had any space left around the bookshelves and existing paintings and photographs. The uncluttered look is not for me; I want everything I love where I can see it.
The cabin might be full, but I live in the midst of a forest that can dazzle me with temporary exhibitions of works of art like this one. The paint was fresh and bright after a spell of rain; a week later the colours will dull and fade, or flake off.
The artists are always ‘Anon’ but they belong to a most innovative and talented group called ‘Nature’.
Hi Laura,
Maybe that’s why I live in the middle of the bush– to have my special things around me?
The colours are just wonderful, and I agree, have all your special things where you can see them!
Cheers, Laura.
Our homes sound very similarly inhabited, Carol. I love the trunks of plane trees too, and have grown a few here from cuttings. No reason why I can’t enjoy European artists as well!
When I lived in the city I used to photograph the changing bark on plane trees but now I’m a bit closer to country living I can see daily the wonderful images on the eucalypts outside my windows. Even the dried falling bark is often “painted” in pinks, greens, oranges and greys, which makes me want to bring them inside – where yes, my walls, shelves and every other space is taken up with pictures, books and bits of natural history. Your photos are excellent. Carol
I think all art is like that, Denis, be it painting or writing; it’s the artist’s perception, the ‘seeing’ of a detail or a mundane occurrence as significant that lifts it to art.
Lovely images, Sharyn
The art is in “seeing” the beauty.
So many people do not.
Hi DWG & Margaret,
One thing nature never can be is boring. Those of us who live amongst its countless and surprising wonders are fortunate indeed.
As for books– that’s my other world!
Hello Sharyn
Aren’t we spoilt with so much living art around us in the bush. The various gum trees have given me quite an on-going art show this year and it’s still not finished.
I’m with you on having the things you love where you can see them, especially my books.
Is this for real??? Never saw anything quite so unusual looking and quite so beautiful. Looks like a beautiful tie-died tapestry of some kind. Thanks for sharing this one!!!! DWG