I have just read this powerful yet accessible book and my copy is bristling with post-it notes, marking lines I want to quote or recall, to tell others.
Dr. Anika Molesworth is not only a farmer with lived experiences of climate change impacts, but a highly qualified doctorate scientist and well-recognised agricultural researcher. The former drove the latter.
She writes clearly, authoritatively and passionately. Her book deals with all the well-known aspects of climate change, but her perspective on food systems as critical, as both impacted, and offering solutions, is unusual. I found her discussions of food systems both insightful and fascinating, drawing on many examples worldwide.
Anika has included wonderful quotes by others at the start of each chapter, but her own text comes up with plenty to note, such as ‘It’s not game over, but it IS game on.’ She pulls no punches, yet manages to keep constructive, to encourage bold and courageous thinking and to inspire action.
As its blurb says, ‘Beautifully written and full of hope…’
Michael Mann suggests ‘Read this book and be inspired.’ And don’t we all need that!
I highly recommend this book (Pan Macmillan): find it here and for the audiobook here.