You have to keep your eyes wide open around here, for you never know what oddity nature will toss about unannounced.
It’s been wet and cold and i’ve not been outside much, but at least there are some breaks today. Dashing out to the woodpile during one of them, I squinted at a pale dab of colour beneath the leafless birch tree.
It could well be an autumn leaf blown from a more distant tree — or, more exciting, it could be a new slime mould!
I squelched closer, noting the rapid growth in the bulb leaves since I last checked. Nope, not slime mould, but an overly populated clump of fungi.
I remember that there were several clumps here one other year, although not in this exact spot. I didn’t recall them being so ‘toothy’, almost like sea anemones. I didn’t identify them then, and still can’t, despite trying anew.
I’ll have to settle for my usual admiring and ignorant astonishment at the complexity of life if we let it be.
Hadn’t thought of alien flora, Crystal, but yes, you’re right!
I have never seen anything like it. It looks like something out of an alien movie. Great find!