There is something absolutely pure about the white orb of a full moon, even though I know it’s a great lump of pitted rock and dust.
I’m not sure that I wanted to know or that the knowledge has done mankind any good. I think the money for the space projects would have been better spent down here on poor old earth.
But when I wake up and see that perfect globe still hanging up there above my pink-flushed morning skyline, I can imagine it still holds all the mystery and magical powers that it used to.
Sounds great Sharyn, looking forward to the new novel.
Hi Christine,
No, I thought you were speaking metaphorically! So glad the place has a sympathetic owner like you. Thanks for the little details of your finds!
You’ll enjoy the novel-in progress then, set in the jail ( and the pub) in the 70s, if I ever finish/get it published. We can have the launch at your/our place!
Hello once again Sharyn, not sure if you realised but I’m in your jail (chapter 2). I walked through the house in my mind as I read your book and your description is as valid today as it was when you were here. The old place still retains it’s mystery releasing a little trinket every now and again, like the old English cup in the soil under the floor and the old hat pin jammed in the window frame of what used to be the first court room (you know the one with the huge leadlight window on the western wall).
I’ve read your update and the mountain just sounds so magical – we shouldn’t change nature we should allow it to change us – thanks again Sharyn.
Hi Christine,
I love hearing that sort of comment about my book; thank you for telling me. Reading being my salvation ever since I was little, identifying with the writer is essential in my experience, so I am very pleased that you do. I did feel as if I was having a conversation, getting to know my readers, as I wrote the book.
But sometimes you have to break out of jail. They don’t just leave those big keys lying about; although, if life was fair, they should.
best wishes for the jail-free future,
Hello Sharyn, I haven’t met you but feel I know you well through the old jail – I’m not on parole yet, still doing time here. Thoroughly enjoyed your book – thank you for sharing your life, thoughts and experiences.
With kind regards
Well Kez, I got out after 6 days; but raced back with horse feed before it rained again on Wednesday night; stuck again now. A pox on slack and arrogant Councils, I say!
And Molly – dare we be sexist and say ‘It’d be more likely to happen if women were in charge?’
I don’t mean women like Thatcher – of course I mean women like us!
I couldn’t agree more, our money needs to be spent on addressing our people and our planets problems before billions go to the moon.
Have you dried out yet?! I heard you on the news the other night talking about your road.