In previous posts (here and here) I have told you of the plight of Bimblebox Nature Refuge in Queensland’s about-to-be-trashed Galilee Basin west of Emerald.
I asked you to help save this precious place from Clive Palmer’s Waratah Coal mine, ‘China First’. Then the deadline for submissions to their EIS was extended to December 19th.
Paola from Bimblebox wrote:
‘The Mines and Energy Dept. told us that if they receive between 1-2,000 submissions, they will be inclined to identify that the issue could potentially be considered a public statement about how people feel towards mining in nature refuges. So we have also put together a one page submission.’
Download it as a PDF here. You can print it, sign and post it, or scan the signed page and email it to the Co-ordinator-General, the Queensland environment minister and Tony Burke MP as per the addresses on the letter.
This is a far bigger issue than Bimblebox and not particular to Queensland; if they are allowed to mine one ‘conserved’ area, it will be open slather. Let them know how strongly we feel!
Totally agree Trish! And the voices are getting louder. I do feel sanity will prevail.
I have a Nature Refuge on 1 847Ha and terrified that it may also be mined (it currently has a mining exploration permit over it). I feel it’s imperative that as many people as possible make submissions against mining on Bimblebox because, as Sharyn has said, if mining goes ahead on Bimblebox Nature Refuge a precedent is set and no Nature Refuges will be safe. We must protect what’s left of our untouched habitats. We’ve destroyed more than our fair share now. Please act – we can be heard and make a difference.