
It’s autumn, but it feels like winter. There’s a cool wind blowing. I’m walking through the damp forest early this morning, with the sun only reaching small patches here and there.

I need to keep my eyes on the narrow wallaby track so I don’t trip over the many fallen branches, but a brightness up the hill draws my attention.

In the pool of sunlight allowed by a small clearing, a wallaby mum and her teenage joey are propped, sunsoaking, sunspotlit – almost incandescent in contrast to the surrounding dark forest of fire-blackened stringybarks.

2 thoughts on “Sunspotlit”

  1. Hi Sandra,
    Abject apologies for not noting and replying to your comment sooner! Commiserations for your proximity to Anvil Hill: am still hoping that mine may not happen.
    Bravo for your animal rescue work!

  2. Hi Sharyn

    I have just finished your book. It was wonderful. Thank you. Unfortunately we live too close to Anvil Hill and I fear as one of the closest wildlife rehabbers I may have a huge increase in work.

    I love your photo og the “Neckers” – they are such cheeky amd bold creatures.

    Keep up your good work.

    Rocky Creek Wildlife Refuge

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