While the woman’s away…

vines-1Spring is a really risky time to leave the property for any length of time. And it’s not only that the animals think they can step in and lay claim to my apparently unoccupied place.

This time it was the verandah vines, the wisteria and the ornamental grape — which had decided to join forces and extend their tentacles to block my entry.

vines-2Even when I’d got past those on guard at the top of the steps, it was clear that those on the verandah proper had already reached halfway towards the door.

They had claimed the table and chairs as the interim prop and were looping around each other for strength to continue their horizontal attack. I dare say they were most frustrated, after all that effort, at my insistence on re-looping them back to the railing edges.

They can confine their adventurous tendencies to heading for the roof – where they’ll get a shock because I’ve removed the guttering. What will they block now?

8 thoughts on “While the woman’s away…”

  1. Sounds like the port might be more dangerous than the trees, Trevor. My old Minmi friends ( and us) used to go to Draytons often to refill their flagons, and I recall Draytons served tastings in pony (5 oz?) glasses. And have lots of rosemary thanks. The rosellas like it.

  2. Sharyn, re keepingout of trees…I need no urging? urgeing how the heck does one spell “uirging”? I blame it all on Draytons Rich Port. Did you know that old Reg Drayton (who perished in a plane crash on the way to Lord Howe Island some years ago), reckoned he ought to get out here to Laguna periodical, and spray us all (his major customers) for fruitfly every so often? Thoughtful chap he was. Take it easy Sharyn, (but take it, huh?) Actually I don’t own a 410, gotta a good 12 bore if you ever need it. All the best, Trev. (got plenty of rosemary, need any?)

  3. Hi Trevor,
    The guttering was never put on properly so water pooled in the middle and had rusted it out; the downpipe didn’t go anywhere, and with my high rainfall I don’t really need to collect more.
    So all it did was act as fire hazard!
    Might replace it one day if I ever get my water garden dreams realised.
    And that was lavender (dentata)
    Stay out of trees Trev!

  4. Removed the guttering eh Sharyn? To what end? Can’t be to improve the catchment? In this last bit of rain I have realised my guttering is only collecting from half the roof! Crikey, I could buy another tank and fill it in half the time if I could afford it, (or climb a ladder and fix it…..knees you know…) My creepers have formed an attachment for my phone line, which is of course a hi-tech tree-sling. Ladders are bad eneough, climbing trees is in another ball-park. Take care, Trev.

  5. Yes Denis I think of the story of Sleeping Beauty– and then 100 years here of unfettered growth! Another reminder of our tiny and temporary ‘power’ over plants.
    And DWG, I don’t even need to snip, just redirect their windings!

  6. Well, at least overgrown plants can be dealt with!! Just snip and gone, unlike that big red bellied nuisance of a snake!!!! Nice verandah!!

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